In 2007 I graduated from the Downeast School of Massage and I am a professional licensed massage therapist in the state of Maine. I began my career with the basic building blocks of Swedish massage techniques with a focus in the mind, body, spirit connection. I have gone on to take numerous continuing education classes, that include deep tissue techniques, myofacial techniques for the neck, shoulder and arm, and classes in structural integration to name a few. I am not certified in polarity or reflexology, but I do incorporate some of these modalities in my massages, as well as the use of essential oils.
Every massage I give is tailored to the individual's specific needs. My clients needs run the gamut of the over worked, repetitive motion muscle concerns, to the client who has suffered some type of trauma or injury. Whether you are someone who is at a computer for 8 or more hours a day, or you are out harvesting your crops, be it on land or sea, my goal is to facilitate at least some healing and pain relief, however temporary in some chronic cases. Ultimately receiving massage contributes to your own body awareness, relief from many soft tissue conditions, and promotes personal well-being. Investing in massage is investing in yourself.
In 2001 I was injured quite severely in a car accident. While the doctors pieced me back together for all of my broken bones, my torn skin, and my internal injuries, I remember coming to the shocking realization that they couldn't do much for my sore, traumatized muscles, other than prescribing various pills. When it came to an injury that couldn't be "MRI-ed, or cat-scanned, or x-rayed.... there wasn't a whole lot they could do. It was with this realization that sent me on the journey of massage therapy. A truly healing, therapeutic massage for the mind, body, and spirit is what I continue to strive for.
My office is located in Freeport, Maine. I generally schedule appointments for Tuesdays, Thursdays, and the occasional Saturday. I share my space with my colleague, friend and fellow massage therapist and nutritional counselor, Julie Hofheimer. The name of her business is Sage - Body Massage. Between the two of us, we strive for a nurturing practice of mindful health, physical healing, and all around well being for the mind, body, and spirit. Feel free to contact either one of us.